Practical Newsletters
Volume Eight
Tips Podcast
Last Month We Started Our Focus on Change -
This Month: What to Do When You're in the Midst of Change
Listen to Barry's 2 minute Tips Podcast on the steps to take.
Remember to focus on the "Why?"
This month's free template helps with Change Specification: The "SKS" Method:
"Getting our teams focused and moving in the same direction, while serving the needs of a new business model and path is a challenging task for all Managers and Directors. PMCI's Strategic Business Planning, and methodology to ensure follow through, made us dig deep as we reflected on our own professional work, defined business change needs and committed to work excellence and working collaboratively together.
This all relates to how we can honestly and effectively achieve our goals within a changed environment.
The great outcomes we have achieved belong to the hard work of our Community Programs and Services Teams. The model and method for supportive behaviour changes was born out of our collaboration with Barry and the Team at Practical Management of Canada Inc. My thanks go out to Barry for his professional facilitation and Business Planning Methodologies.
I fully recommend using the services of the PMCI Team."
-Director, Community Programs and Services, City Client