Community Involvement
& Accolades: PMCI Cares

Heart of Gold Award

Keynote delivery and Leadership direction on event day

We participate in many community events, chair committees, and volunteer for causes we believe in. It's a great way to give back and to use the business skills we've developed over many years serving our clients.
Achievements include: 1994 Volunteer of the Year - Heart and Stroke Foundation - Heart At Work Committee; Service Award 1998 - City of Vaughan; 2 011-13 Committee Appointment “Building a Creative Markham” - Outcome: 10 Year Culture Plan;City of Markham Service Award 2013 for appointments of two terms while serving on Heritage Markham; Provincial Award 2013 (Ontario Heritage Trust) for Achievement in “Built Heritage” while serving as Member and Chair of Heritage Markham 2008-2013; Provincial Award 2014 (Ministry of Citizenship and Emigration) For Five Years of volunteer service dedicated to Heritage Preservation while serving on Heritage Markham; Society for the Preservation Of Historic Thornhill (SPOHT) Nov 2014 - Nov 2016 Serving as President;City of Markham Sept. 2015 “Sincere Appreciation” in providing service to Heritage Markham LACAC; MC for 20+ years for The Heart and Stroke Foundation - Corporate Ride for Heart; Heart of Gold Award from HSF Canada; Ontario Government 20 Years of Volunteering Service Award; Canada 150 Recognition